ESL Basic Vocabulary Mini-Books | Seasons, Food, House, Verbs, School, Routine

$17.75 $19.50

Each of the vocabulary mini-books included in this bundle help students learn, recognize and practice core ESL vocabulary words related to: clothing, food, house, garden, town, school, action verbs, daily routine, winter, spring, summer and fall. These can be a great tool to help improve students vocabulary. They can help with new words, practice pronunciation and spelling. Mini-books are great as students can easily store and organize words that you want them remember and review them. Additionally, using mini books is a fun way to study, as it gives students the opportunity to get creative with illustrations or other visuals that can help them remember the words.


Use this resource to:

  • practice word recognition and spelling
  • create an 8 page foldable mini-book word dictionary using one page of paper
  • focus on targeted vocabulary words


Included in this bundle you'll find the following resources:

  • Each mini-book has color or b/w printing options and can be printed with or without text
  • Clothing mini-book
  • Food mini-book
  • Garden mini-book
  • Places in town mini-book
  • School Supplies mini-book
  • Rooms in a house mini-book
  • Action Verbs mini-book
  • Daily Routine mini-book
  • Season: Winter mini-book
  • Season: Spring mini-book
  • Season: Summer mini-book
  • Season: Fall/Autumn mini-book
  • New: Weather and Climate


By purchasing this discounted bundle you will also receive:

  • Community Helpers mini-book

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     This resource is also available for purchase on Teacher Pay Teachers. If you prefer to purchase it there, follow this link.    

    How to assemble and use this resource:
    This is a full color pdf file. After printing the resource, 

    How will you receive the resource?
    After your payment has processed you will be redirected to a download page where you can immediately download the file and save it to your computer. You will also receive an email containing a link to the resource.

    * Due to the digital nature of this product. Hot Chocolate Education does NOT offer refunds. Once the product has been downloaded, it can't be returned and refunds can not be issued.