Hot Chocolate Teachables - Resources for English Teachers Blog

Help Your Students Introduce Themselves : Who am I? - Student Profiles

Help Your Students Introduce Themselves : Who am I? - Student Profiles

Student Profiles help kids visually introduce themselves during that akward first week of school. Whether your students already have a good command of the English language or are complete newcomers, this activity is differentiated into three different ability levels.

  • (Version A) and attach a photo or have them bring a picture from home. This makes a great bulletin board.
  • Version B is designed to be played as a guess who type game where students guess which classmate the profile belongs to based on the clues provided. This can also be used a few weeks into school where your students know eachother a little bit better.
  • Version C is designed for all classrooms and does not include questions about country of origin or native language.

I designed this STUDENT PROFILE PAGE so that students could quietly (no speaking pressure) introduce themselves to each other. A more passive "Getting to Know You Activity". I think that these make wonderful bulletin boards that students can take a look at throughout those first weeks of school.

It may require extra help for your newcomers and that's why you should be making your rounds while your students fill them out.

 Depending on your situation, you could find yourself in a class where nobody speaks English well enough to introduce themselves to their classmates. Your students might be from all different countries and speak different languages. Embarrassment kicks in and we wind up with some very short, and very awkward student introductions. In my classes, I threw out oral introductions years ago. It was painful for my little students and painful for me as their new teacher. After all, would I really want to introduce myself in a new language on my first day/week of class? Nope, that would take some major confidence - even for an adult.

They can bring a photo of themselves to attach, or draw a picture! You decide.
Have your classes fill out their individual profiles. 
(Version A)This version is specific to ESL and EFL classes. 
Version B is designed to be played as a guess who type game where students guess which classmate the profile belongs to based on the clues provided. This can also be used a few weeks into school where your students know each other a little bit better. 
Version C is designed for all classrooms and does not include questions about country of origin or native language. This can be used with all young learners and works great in EFL / ELA settings.
Here's the link if you missed it: Who am I? Student Profile Page
Happy teaching - Brooke

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